The Bots Present

Bush Raps!!

Dubya Tells All!

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Hear the best Presidential parodies on the internet!

"Bush Raps" is a new cd we made just for the 2004 election. It features 21 parody songs from 21 different artists, all using the voice of Dubya, set to original music. The styles vary considerably, but the voice of Dubya comes through in every track. It's hilarious. It's scary. It's a new form of protest music. It's Dubya telling the straight truth in his own words, rapping and getting funky. It's the absolute cutting edge of free speech and media manipulation. Shipping now!

In early 2004, The Bots created the parody song "Fuzzy Math" using the real voice of George W Bush. We decided to put the entire 15,000 audio samples into a keyword-searchable online public domain database and encouraged other artists to make their own mixes using the voice of Dubya. We held a contest, offering software prizes for the best mixes, as determined by a popular vote.

The response was overwhelming. We received over 50 mixes from artists around the world, who had mixed the voice of George W Bush in with their own music. Dubya's voice, sliced and diced to mock himself, tell the truth, and ramble incoherently, somehow sounds more plausible than his actual speeches. Bush Raps really is George W Bush's first album, and it rocks!

This cd is jam-packed with as much of the best material from the contest as would fit on an audio cd. Buy your copy today, and own this incredible piece of political/musical history. Perfect for your Halloween party!
Order a cd through the month of October, and it will be shipped within 24 hours!